04. July 2021
Kungsleden Day 14 - Sáltoluokta
Hiking duration: 5:31
KM: 23.21
Elevation gain in Meters: 340
Start: Under Mártevárásj
End: Sáltoluokta
I woke up around 6 am as it was too hot in the tent. After removing the rainfly partially it got a bit better. But on the way back into the tent, around 10 mosquitoes followed me… so it was hunting time again. Unbelievable that they are now on the fjäll as well, we really hope it gets better in the next 1-2 days. Otherwise we probably go insane 😌
As we needed another boat, first thing was to get down to the boat station. About 3 km left from the tent spot.

On the way down
Then we had to wait around 30 minutes as we were a bit early. Thankfully there was a hut which wasn’t mosquito infected.
Boat ride

Boat ride
The boat ride was then quick, around 15 minutes. Then it was the 3rd time on the whole trail where we couldn’t pay with card. Only cash. This is really unusual in sweden, normally everything is paid with cards.
Up the fjäll
Then the short climb to the fjäll started and after we reached it, the mosquitoes were gone!

Up to the fjäll
There was also a small snowfield which we had to cross in a valley.

It was again pretty hot with nearly 25 degrees Celsius and the sun was burning brutal.

On the fjäll
We had lunch in the hut which was right in the middle between our starting point (Sitojaurestugorna) and our target (Sáltoluokta). We thought about getting a room there, but we need to check out the options on side.

Way after lunch break
Shortly after the lunch break Nicole lost her small bottle. She always carry it on the shoulder strap to have easy access to water. Thankfully Mathias found it (again) and she hadn’t to backtrack all the way.
Beside of that, nothing special happened. As we came closer to the end of the fjäll, we were able to see the mountains in the far. Could be the ones we will be passing through on our last 100 km… it’s true, we are nearly done.

Mountains in the distance
After a short decline we reached the Sáltoluokta fjällstation which was really beautiful. And we were lucky and got a room!

Entry to Sáltoluokta fjällstation
Then it was beer time, felt so great after the whole day in the heat.

Beer in Sáltoluokta
We also did a short swim in the lake, was probably the coldest so far!

Lake Sáltoluokta
Then we ate dinner and had some beer with the boys. After that a real shower followed and a night in a real bed, hopefully without mosquitoes…

Sáltoluokta Fjällstation