06. July 2021
Kungsleden Day 16 - Parting our ways
Hiking duration: 6:44
KM: 24.70
Elevation gain in Meters: 511
Start: Fjäll after the climb from Teusajaurestugorna
End: Next to Kuoperjåkka shelter
Perfect Night
The Temperature was perfect during the night and we slept from 10 pm till 8 am, it was perfect. But getting up was tough, the mosquitoes and knots already waited for us. So we packed together fast and started hiking.

View during the early hike
Mosquitoes are back
After a while the mosquitoes got worse and worse and as we approached the next hut - Kaitumjaurestugorna it was crazy…

Backpack during the break
We still had a short breakfast break and bought some beer to part with Anton & Fredrik in the evening.
Then we continued on and the mosquitoes were thankfully gone pretty soon. The nature is so beautiful again, we will now continue to hike in this Valley until Abisko.

View of the Valley
Through the Valley
As there isn’t that much more distance to cover, we take it easy. After maybe 3-4 km we stopped for lunch :)

View deeper into the valley
For the first time i cooked for lunch, pasta Bolognese. Was good, but with hiker hunger, everything tastes good.
The walk in the valley continued and it was really beautiful, sun was burning and we were covered in the sweat/sunscreen/mosquito repellent mix.

View of the trail
We then went for a swim in the ice cold river, was refreshing and it felt so good to be clean again.
Then we pushed to the next target of the day, Singistugorna. There we put the beers into the river to cool them a bit. We ate our last lunch together and then had a final beer.

Beer at Singistugorna
After a long break it was time to move on, the last 2 km together. The views on this part are really amazing now.

Amazing view
We then said goodby to Anton & Fredrik. They are on there way to Kebnekaise (Highest mountain of sweden) which we decided to skip. They will camp somewhere near where we parted and then get up early to climb to the top.
Matthias, Nicole and I pushed a bit further to the next emergency shelter (Kuoperjåkka) where we set camp.
Mosquitoes are currently quite bad again… this makes the end definitely easier. They take so much away from the beauty :-(
Good Night.

Bridge in the morning

Flowers in a stream

Another valley view

More of the valley