Kungsleden Day 19 - Abisko!!


Hiking duration: 3:43
KM: 16.55
Elevation gain in Meters: 133
Start: Campground before Abisko NP, Abiskojaure site
End: Abisko

All in one

It’s hard to write something on this last day. A lot of mixed feelings, happy to be done but already sad that the adventure is over. Wishing for a new one, but still hating the mosquitoes :)

We got up at 8 am and left around 9 am. This was the schedule on most of our days. Yesterday we made a bet, how many people do we cross on the way to Abisko.

Nicole said 24, Mathias 54 and I said over a 100. Let us see how it went ;)

Start of the last day
Start of the last day

There were always wooden tracks for hikers in swampy areas. But today we saw tracks for quads (i guess?).

Tracks for Quads
Tracks for Quads

After that it was hiking along the Ábeskojávri lake for quite a bit. Nothing to special, but the clouds made for great pictures.

Hiking next to the lake
Hiking next to the lake

We did a short break after around 7 km and had breakfast. That the end was so near really pulled us, we were faster then ever.

Easy hiking terrain
Easy hiking terrain

Most of the trail was easy today, which also helped to be fast. The amount of people was crazy on the other hand. Especially compared to before Kvikkjokk.

Now next to a river
Now next to a river

Shortly before the finish, there was a really nice mini canyon which was next to the trail.

Canyon right at the trail
Canyon right at the trail

And then it was there, out of nothing. A beautiful made monument dedicated to the Kungsleden. For many people this is the start into a great adventure, for us it was the end…

The end…
The end…

Happy. Sad. Next! :)

Rest of the day

As we arrived at around 2 pm, there was still time left to spend on other things. We already booked a room in the Abisko Touriststation but we could not checkin before 3 pm.

Our Room
Our Room

First thing we therefore did, was walking 2 km to Abisko itself and checkin out the shop there. We bought some food for the night train tomorrow and also some late lunch stuff. I had Tortillas with Hot Chipotle Sauce and some spicy sausages. Trashy as always :)

Late Lunch
Late Lunch

Then we finally were able to get into to room and have a shower (after 5 days without…) For dinner we decided for another hiking style menu.

Healthy as always
Healthy as always

The people count bet

It was way over 100 people we crossed until Abisko 😂🙈

No words needed

After finish beer!
After finish beer!


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Trail on the last day
Trail on the last day
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