22. June 2021
Kungsleden Day 2 - Cold night, beautiful day
Hiking duration: 7:24
KM: 22.8
Elevation gain in Meters: 439
Start: Shortly after Viterskalsstugan
End: Before Tärnasjöstugorna
Start of day 2
Day 2 started for me at 3am, as i had to pee. It‘s crazy to get up this early and realize that it‘s bright as during the day.

3am in the morning
Overall we slept pretty good, it was on the cold side but tolerable.
Getting up for real
After getting up to pee, we slept another 5 hours till 8 in the morning. Then it was time to pack everything up and hit the trail. It was still cold and windy, so we started with our puffy jackets. After about an hour of hiking we did a first break and switched to full rain gear, as it started to rain a bit. Shortly after we reached an emergency hut and had a short stop and a chat with a fellow Kungsleden hiker.

Valley view
Then the sun came up and the weather got better, but we also had to do our first river crossing as the bridge was still removed (for the winter we guess).
Thanks to our water proof socks, we just got a bit cold feet but not really wet ones.
The nature is just unbelievable and there is just nothing out here.

Nature, hard to capture in a picture
We did our lunchbreak on the top of a ridge and the highest point of the day (~970m). Here the sun really started to shine and it became quite warm. After a short descent we reached another hut (Syterstugan) and this was the end of official stage 2. We had a short chat with the ward and his wife and they told us that we were really lucky with the snow, last year there was way more… hard to imagine for us after we had to cross endless snowfields, but we definitely believe them 😀

View from the hut, there was snow all the way to the hut last year in june
Back into the forest
The hut ward also informed us that one of the bridges ahead is currently under reparation and we need to use a row boat.
After we descended further, we reached the three line and got back into forest. Mosquitos started to appear, but it wasn‘t too bad thankfully.

Back in the forest
We reached the bridge which was missing and Mathias (a Swedish guy who also does the Kungsleden) waited for us to row with us over 👍🏻
The trail then continued through some swampy areas, but the views of the pure nature just continued to amaze us.

Swampy area
We put some more km in before we found a nice spot direct at the beach of the Tärnasjön lake.
Another nice day comes to an end, it‘s around 43km to Ammarnäs which is the next town. We hope to reach it on Thursday, but let’s see 😀

View from the tent

Tent at the lake, 10pm
Die erste Nacht war kalt, seeeehr kalt, genau so wie der morgen 😅 aber die Sonne nachts um drei am Himmel zu sehen war sehr eindrücklich. Nachdem wir es am morgen aus dem Schlafsack in die warmen Kleider geschafft hatten ging es auch schon los. Der weg war relativ flach und matschig. Nach etwa einer Stunde gab es ein kleines aber feines Frühstück. Einige 100m von uns entfernt zog eine riesige Rentierherde an uns vorbei. Es begann zu regnen und wir zogen weiter. Das Tal war unglaublich schön 🥰 wir kamen zu einer Schutzhütte in der wir kurz eine Pause machen wollten. In der Hütte traffen wir auf einen Wanderer welcher mit uns im Flugzeug war. Ihn werden wir tagsüber immer wieder antreffen. Die Wolken verzogen sich und es wurde angenehm warm. Wir folgten dem Pfad hinauf auf einen kleinen Berg. Oben sah man das nächste Tal mit wunderschönen Seen und Wälder. Dort wird unser weg durchführen. Bei einer weiteren Hütte erfuhren wir, dass eine der drei grossen Brücken über den See restauriert wird. Stattdessen hat es Ruderboote. Wir liefen Richtung Tal, überquerten mehrere Seen und kamen zur defekten Brücke. Zusammen mit dem Wanderer aus dem Flugzeug stiegen wir in ein Ruderboot und ruderten an das andere Ufer. Von dort ging es weiter den Seen entlang, durch traumhafte Wälder bis hin zum Schlafplatz der nächsten Nacht. Wunderschön gelegen am See mit viel Sonne.

Swiss chocolate, Swedish mountains

One of the many bridges