23. June 2021
Kungsleden Day 3 - From the water back to the mountains
Hiking duration: 8:11
KM: 27.4
Elevation gain in Meters: 934
Start: Before Tärnasjöstugorna
End: After Vuomatjåhkka shelter
Warm start
After a cozy night we woke up and the sun was still shining and no clouds in sight. That was a pleasant surprise. Then sun was warming us up and this helped to get started.
The first kms followed along the lake, through the forest.

Forest Hiking along Tärnasjön
We then reached the Tärnasjöstugorna hut (end of stage 3), which was still closed, and ate breakfast there.

Up it goes
After the hut the path started to climb, first through the forest but soon we reached the treeline and the landscape opened up. We had also an amazing view back to the mountains we passed yesterday.

Path up through the forest
We had lunch on top of a pass. On the way down we saw a pretty big reindeer herd.

View back from our lunch spot

Part of the reindeer herd
We reached the bottom of the valley and also the next hut (Servestugan) which concluded stage 4. The hut wardens just arrived today and are opening the hut, interesting fact: all stuff is delivered during winter with snowmobiles and they arrive by boat and a short hike. So no helicopter needed 😀

View of the bottom of the valley and the hut
Up again
After the hut the game repeated, we had to climb again. We were already at 20km at this point, but decided to cover some more distance to have it shorter to Ammarnäs on the next day.

And up again
Next goal was the top of the climb, about 300 meters of elevation gain. From there we had another amazing view back to the mountains we just left yesterday.

Mountains from yesterday morning
After the top there was a short decline to a emergency shelter where we did a extensive dinner break. Weather changed a bit, it got cloudy and the sun disappeared. We continued for about 2 km and put up our tent protected from the wind.
And that concludes day 3.

Last stretch of the day
Die Nacht am See war wunderbar warm und gemütlich. Der Wind lies nach und das Wasser spiegelte glasklar die Berge um uns. Wir packten unsere sieben Sachen und machten uns weiter auf den Wanderweg. Wir kamen tiefer in einen Wald, dort waren die Mücken schier unerträglich. Zum Glück half das Spray recht gut. Wir kamen zu ersten Hütte wo wir auf einer Bank an der Sonne frühstückten. Danach ging es weiter. Wir gewannen nach und nach an höhe. Die Sonne schien pausenlos doch die Luft wurde kühler. Vorbei an Seen folgten wir dem Pfad langsam wieder hinab. Plötzlich sahen wir direkt vor uns eine riesen Herde Rentiere. Sie waren so unglaublich nah 😍 irgendwann waren wir ihnen wohl zu nah und die ganze Herde setzte sich in Bewegung. Ein unglaubliches Bild! Weiter unten war die nächste Hütte, die Besitzer scheinbar erst seit einer Stunde angekommen. Die Hütte soll am nächsten Tag öffen. Nach einer kurzen Pause dort ging es weiter, wieder hinauf, vorbei an einem wunderbaren Wasserfall. Gegen 20:00 Ugr dann die ersten Wolken. Wir assen unser Nachtessen vom Wind geschützt in einer Schutzhütte. Danach suchten wir nach einem etwas Windgeschützen und gemütlichen Zeltplatz.