24. June 2021
Kungsleden Day 4 - First Town
Hiking duration: 5:21
KM: 19.15
Elevation gain in Meters: 405
Start: After Vuomatjåhkka shelter
End: Ammarnäs
Next stop Ammarnäs
We slept well, I woke up once and it sounded like light rain but in the morning it was cloudy but not raining. First goal of the day was the emergency shelter on top of the next pass. It took us an hour for 3.6km and 270m of elevation gain. We then had breakfast in the shelter.

Way up to the shelter
The trail continued in the height, we passed multiple lakes and mountain peaks on each side. There were also multiple snow and rock fields which we had to cross.

Mountain lake
Then the descent to Ammarnäs started, first stop was the Aigerstugan hut (finish of stage 5) where we had a short lunch break. We also met Mathias again, was nice to see him again.

With full bellies we made our way to Ammarnäs, 8km to go. As we reached the forest, the mosquitoes started to get bad… even a short stop was impossible without getting bitten by 63726 mosquitoes 😩

Waterfall on the way down
Thankfully it got better as soon as we reached Ammarnäs. There we went to grocery store first, then we checked in at our „Hotel“, the Wärdshus. The room was nice, and the shower even better.
We also had some beers with Mathias and two other Swedish guys who are also doing the Kungsleden. For dinner I had a Burger and Nicole went for the Pasta. Was great to have some „real“ food once again 😋

View back during the first ascent in the morning

Emergency shelter

Mosquito hell

Already 79km done