Kungsleden Day 6 - On the plateau


Hiking duration: 7:04
KM: 25.45
Elevation gain in Meters: 417
Start: Bridges after Rävfallstugan
End: Near Svájpavallie

Cold night

The night was cold, the close river probably didn‘t helped with that… I had a really hard time to get out of the sleepingbag but as soon as the sunshine hit me, it was ok 😀

As we reached the plateau yesterday before we set camp, the trail was mostly flat. There were a small climb and at the top we ate breakfast. I also needed to dry my shoes as there was some swampy area which gave wet feets.

Breakfast on the trail
Breakfast on the trail

Hard day

Let’s first say, we are really thankful for the great weather! So far only light rain and never for long.

But the mosquitoes are a real pain today, even with spray they still sting… and you can never rest and relax.

Therefore most of the day went by quickly, we didn’t stop much but were still slowed down by swampy areas.

Beautiful view
Beautiful view

The nature is still amazing, currently less mountains and more wide and open areas. A lot of water, which probably explains the mosquitoes.

Sometimes it’s hard on the trail, but that’s part of it. And there is a saying „never quit on a bad day“

We found a nice spot for camping, but the mosquitoes there were crazy again… so we built the tent up as fast as possible and relaxed a bit in the tent. We cooked a bit further down at the river and ate there, warm food was also food for the soul.

That’s it for today :)


Wide and open
Wide and open
Forest beautiful but mosquito hell
Forest beautiful but mosquito hell
How bad can it be?
How bad can it be?
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