19. June 2021
Kungsleden T -1 days - Finalizing the equipment
Equipment for the Kungsleden
For this year i wanted to put everything into a lighterpack and i really did it 🥳 This is mostly for myself and should help me in the future to optimize the weight.
LighterpackBase weight could definitely be better and we are considering a ZPacks triplex for the future. But this is a topic for another day.
How does all this stuff look like? I captured two pictures of my equipment, one shows most of the stuff just loose. The other shows all stuff in the bags, etc.

Nearly all of my Kungsleden 2021 equipment

Everything tidied up
Ich hatte es mir fest vorgenommen ebenfalls alles auf die Waage zu legen. Aber wie immer war ich wieder Mal in eile, hatte dann keine Lust und war froh wenn ich überhaupt an alles gedacht habe 😂 aber hey, mein Besteck passt zu meiner Kleidung.