Day 17: A lot of driving

Travel Day

Today it was time to leave Banff and the Canadian Rocky Mountains behind. Our next goal is Vancouver Island, but we split the travel into two parts, today we go all the way to Abbotsford (Around 9h drive) and tomorrow the last part to Vancouver (around 1h) and then on the 10:00 ferry.

We left around 08:00 at the Banff campground and then it was just endless, driving. So not much to report from today.


We arrived at the Hotel at around 17:30 and decided to go for a quick run, just to get some activity after sitting in the car the whole day. Then it was time for dinner and we went to Royal India restaurant, which was an amazing choice and the food was delicious.

Driving statistic

It took us 09:09h and 776.6 km to reach the Best Western in Abbotsford.


On the road
On the road
Ghost Town at the 3 valley gap
Ghost Town at the 3 valley gap


Run: Quick run after whole day driving

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