25. June 2022
Day 22: Hike, Plan, Mini Golf & Run
First thing today was a Hike to the Ammonite Falls, which was a short (~2.5 km one way) but interesting hike. Nicole spotted some Snakes on the way, but they were quickly gone.
The Fall itself was pretty impressive, for just some random Fall :)

Ammonite Falls
After the longer hike yesterday, this was perfect for today. Get some activity and some sun in.
So far we had booked until day 38 and as today is already day 22, it was time to book some more stuff, just to be sure that we are never end up without a place to sleep :)
Perfect place for that (and feel like a hipster) is Starbucks, you can get some drinks and get good WiFi. Nobody kicks you out even if you sit there for an hour…
The planning and booking always takes more time than we expect, mostly because we always shift things around a bit, are not sure how long to stay where, and so on. But we managed to book another 14 nights, so we are safe until day 52.
Right next to the Starbucks was a Canadian Superstore, more or less the same as Walmart but with a different name. We stocked up on food, but tried to not go crazy, even though we were quite hungry.

Canadian Superstore
Mini Golf
On the first day when we arrived we already spotted the advertisement for a 36 hole Mini Golf course… So we though beside all the hikes this would be a nice change of pace.
We decided to start with the first 18 hole course and then see if we have the motivation to do the other 18 as well.

Mini Golf Course
The Mini Golf course was way more colorful and decorated, compared to the ones we know from home.
Back on the Campground we did a short Run, just around the beach and park. Was really beautiful and pushed the hunger even more. We saw some deer’s, they were just eating next to the trail. It’s really impressive how relaxed the wildlife is here, compared to home.
On the Campground we then had our personal rabbit, he chilled at our camp spot and tried to grab something from our food stash.

Our Rabbit
We then cooked another dinner at the campground, Chinese noodles & Tim Hortons. Tomorrow will be Restaurant night :)
To close of the day we sat at the beach and enjoyed the sunset.

Creek beneth the Fall
Spotted in the foreign food aisle
Mini Golf course
Our rabbit is chilling beneth our table