27. June 2022
Day 24: Seattle
After we got up the first thing to-do for me, was a run. During traveling I always really like to run in cities. It provides a quick way to get around and see something of the city. To make it easier to find good routes, I like to use the Garmin Route feature. In the garmin connect app under more -> Training -> Courses -> Click on the Magnifier in the top right corner. This shows you routes of other peoples around your current location.
With the help of it, I found a nice 11.8 km route around Lake Union. For me some quick memorization of the route is enough to find it afterwards. A skill which is pretty much useless in the time of smartphones, but during runs it’s convenient :)
So I did the run around Lake Union and incorporated some speedwork, did 4 km with around 4:40 pace. Didn’t do that in a long time, but still felt not to bad and I was able to breath in & out only through the nose. This is always a good sign that the load isn’t too high.
After a nice shower it was time to explore the city. First planned stop was the Space Needle. For 35$ per Person you can read more about the history & building of the Tower and then go up and enjoy the view over the city.

View from the Space Needle
I struggled a bit with my fear of heights, but it’s still a nice view. Especially Mount Rainier in the back was amazing.
Then we made our way to Kerry Park, which provides another nice view of the Skyline (and allows to climb a bit in the hot sun).

View from Kerry Park
The Weather was amazing, we had over 30 degrees and sun. Sometimes the heat was a bit too much, but still better than the rain from the first weeks.
During the stroll through the city we spotted some impressive homes on the hills of Seattle… One can only imagine what the prices are.

One of many impressive houses
Back down from the hills we walked along the waterfront and checked out the different Piers of Seattle. This is were things got a bit too touristic and the crowds got bigger and bigger. But this is always part of the bigger cities.

Pier 57
We also made a short visit to the Gum Wall and Pike Place Market, were we found a collectable & board game shop. We got us some games (Fluxx & Happy little Dinosaurs) and back in the Hotel lobby we gave them a try and had some fun.

CitizenM Lobby
For dinner we went to Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria, which had some good Pizzas but was very noisy. Tomorrow is already time to leave Seattle and go to Portland.