Day 32: Moab


Today I made it easy for myself and just went for an hour on the treadmill. No route required, no thinking required, just running :)

Travel to Moab

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine the size and dimensions of North America, but on the Travel day we realize how big everything is. Something that looks really close on google maps, is in reality a 5h drive :) And so was it today, but we did some extra stops that added to the overall time in the car.

Natural History Museum of Utah

Our first stop was the Natural History Museum of Utah which is in Salt Lake City. This was a really interesting visit and they have a really nice curated exhibition.

Natural History Museum of Utah from the outside
Natural History Museum of Utah from the outside

The top started with a dedicated section for the native people of the country, then it covered all the animals that can be found. Showed more about the rocks and of what the ground consists. And last but not least, it had some impressive dinosaurs skeletons.


Drive south

Then we started the drive south but planned some stops at some of the outlets, first was a Nike factory Store. After that it was a REI and then a small outlet city. Also a quick stop at Walmart to get some more food as we are now on the campground for the next 3 nights.

1kg cereals at Walmart
1kg cereals at Walmart

After the stops we had around 3 hours left of driving, it’s interesting how the perception of distance & time in the car changed for us. 3-5 hours is now “normal” and nothing that causes us any issues anymore.

So time was flying and now we are sitting at the campground, it’s 21:52 and we still have 27 degrees Celsius… Nicole is happy that she defintly won’t be cold this night, but I’m a bit affraid that it will be too hot in the tent.

Tomorrow we will get up early (~5:30) to see Delicate Arch without the big crowds.

Buenas Noches.


Colorful exhibition
Colorful exhibition
Different rock types
Different rock types
Canyon picture on the road
Canyon picture on the road


Run: Laufband @Salt Lake City

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