Day 52: Bike the Golden Gate Bridge

Ride the Cable Car

Nicole wanted to ride the legendary San Francisco cable car, which fitted perfect in the overall plan for today. There is one running directly next to our hotel, which goes all the way to Hyde street, close to Fort Mason. So we rode it all the way and where then next to the bike rentals.

Cable Car is getting turned around
Cable Car is getting turned around

Ride the Golden Gate Bridge

A classic thing to do in San Francisco, you rent a bike at one of the many rentals and then go over the Golden Gate Bridge and take the ferry back from Sausalito to San Francisco. You have to make one important choice, E-Bike or full Muscle Power. I hope it’s clear for what we went 😂

So we picked up the heavy and old bikes and off we went.

Rental Bikes
Rental Bikes

You pay 10$/h or 40$/day, what ever is lower. They provide you with the instructions with how to get to Sausalito on a direct way. But we decided to do a little detour and also explore the Golden Gate Park.

On the way to the Golden Gate Park
On the way to the Golden Gate Park

In the Park itself we rode the SkyStar Wheel (Ferris Wheel), which wasn’t cheap with $18 per Person, but provided a nice overview of the surrounding area. And Nicole is a big fan of Ferris Wheels, and we passed on all the other ones we saw so far, so it was about time!

Further we visited the Japanese Tea Garden, which we really liked. It’s a nice place of calmness in the City.

Japanese Tea Garden
Japanese Tea Garden

Then we started the climb to the top of the Bridge, where we had some great views of it. The fog didn’t clear up yet, but the pictures were still nice.

Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge

Now it was time to cross the bridge, which took longer than anticipated, probably thanks to the fact that the bridge is nearly 3km long (2737.1m).

On the other side it was then first downhill back to sea level and then a little bit climbing before we reached Sausalito. There we went to the Joinery, where we had a late lunch (~14:00) and a free beer (Deal of Blazing Saddles, where we rented the bikes).

Burrata & Sweet Peppers with fresh bread
Burrata & Sweet Peppers with fresh bread

Then we went to the ferry terminal and had to wait ~30 minutes before we were back on the way to San Francisco. A quick ride and we handed the bikes back and then walked to the Hotel. I went for a ~35minute run on the Treadmill, before we had dinner at Delarosa. The Food was good, but my Pizza arrived 5 minutes before the Pasta of Nicole, which felt a bit strange. But it was the same for our neighbors, so this is probably their “concept”? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Beer @Delarosa
Beer @Delarosa


During the cable car ride
During the cable car ride
Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge
On the other side of the Bridge
On the other side of the Bridge


Ride: Ride the Bridge
Run: Quick pre dinner run

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