Day 55: Cascade Locks

Good morning

We slept amazing, perfect temperature and the nature in the background. Well rested we got up shortly before 08:00 and were greeted by Diana which made breakfast for us. Oatmeal with Fresh Fruits it was, delicious!

After the breakfast, we were greeted by the dogs.

Dogs of the Angels Rest B&B
Dogs of the Angels Rest B&B

On the Trail

Nicole would have loved to stay with the dogs and cuddle with them all day long. But I managed to get her away from the dogs and we went our way to the Bridge of the Gods trail head. As we came from the Washington side, we had to cross the bridge, which costs 3$. Then we first did a quick stop at the Post Office of Cascade Locks, where we saw multiple PCT hikers. Cascade Locks is on of the refill stops for most of the PCT hikers.

After the Post Office we also went to the grocery store, because we are nearly out of supplies. Which is a good thing, as we only have 5 nights left before we leave for Hawaii. But we needed wanted some granola bars for the hike today. In the store we also bought the 5$ daily pass which is required to park at the trail head.

As everything was sorted, we went to the trail head and parked the car and then off we went on the PCT. Only about 5 minutes later we stumbled upon some trail magic that was left behind for the thirsty PCT hikers.

Trail magic close to Cascade Locks
Trail magic close to Cascade Locks

Then the trail slowly started to climb and it was a beautiful forest section we hiked.

PCT section close to Cascade Locks
PCT section close to Cascade Locks

Our target for today was dry creek Falls, which is a short (~300 m) detour from the PCT. The trail climbed all the way, but never too steep and we soon reached the Falls. It was already getting hot and the cold climate around the Falls was refreshing.

Dry Creek Falls
Dry Creek Falls

We made a extended break at the Falls and just enjoyed nature and the beauty of it. Without a goal, but with power in the legs, we decided to just hike a bit longer along the PCT before we turn around. The trail started to get more overgrown, and after a total of ~5 km we decided to turn around.

On the way back
On the way back

Back at the crossing which led to the Dry Creek Falls, there was also another way which led back to Cascade Locks. As the avid reader knows, we prefer loops whenever possible. So we took the other route, which was first a nice trail as well, but ended in a gravel road.

We went a second time to the Grocery Store to buy some ingredients, so we could cook in the evening.

Dougan Falls

It was around 15:00 and we decided to check out the Falls that are close to our B&B. One of them is Dougan Falls, which was heavily crowded, but provided a nice opportunity for a swim. Nicole took up the challenge and jumped in.

Remember the pass we bought in the morning, we assumed that it was the same we needed here. But as we came back to the car, a nice fine greeted us… Apparently it’s another pass you need here, makes sense, right? :) Thankfully we could skip the 100$ fee with just buying one now, fair enough.

Back at Angels Rest

Back at the B&B we relaxed a bit at the river, which is directly at the property. It’s the same river which forms the Dougan Falls.

Enjoying the River, no people here
Enjoying the River, no people here

Later on we cooked Pasta with a Cherry Tomato/Bell Pepper Sauce, which turned out pretty good. After not cooking for 55+ days, this was fun!

Self cooked meal!
Self cooked meal!

After dinner we took the chance and used the hot tub, but the weather was still too hot, so we didn’t make it a long stay.


On the PCT
On the PCT
Yours truly on the PCT
Yours truly on the PCT


Hike: More PCT hiking

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