Day 56: Cape Horn


This morning we were greeted by Diana & Mike and this time Mike was the Chief in the kitchen. He made an amazing Frittata, which was supported by Toast & Home made Jam from Diana.

They had a guessing game for us and we could have won a free night, the challenge was to spot everything that was in the Frittata. We got right

  • Eggs
  • Onions
  • Bell Peppers
  • Artichokes
    and only missed Garlic & Banana Peppers. No free night for us ;-)

It was very delicious and exactly the energy we needed for our hike today. On the way to quickly grab something from the car, I got chased by the chickens.

I’m the Chicken master now
I’m the Chicken master now

Cape Horn

We spotted this Hike during our drive yesterday and after a quick check online, it sounded perfect. 11 km, ~400m of elevation gain and most of it in the shade.

First we had to climb, it was a gradual climb and we did most of the elevation gain during this initial climb.

Start of the trail
Start of the trail

As we reached the ridge, which we followed for a large portion of the hike, there were multiple viewpoints. They gave a nice view of the valley with the Columbia River.

Columbia River from Pioneer Point
Columbia River from Pioneer Point

Even though it was hot and humid, as long as we hiked in the forest it wasn’t too bad. Sometimes too much forest can be a bit boring, as there are mostly no views. But today we were really happy with all the green around us!

Forest was our friend today!
Forest was our friend today!

At the top we reached an open field, which we crossed and then we slowly started to decline again.

Field at the top
Field at the top

After the turn around, we had some smaller up & down sections and one boulder field which we had to cross. But overall the hike was easy doable, even on a hot day.

Boulder Field
Boulder Field

The last part was then a bit road walking, here the heat was brutal and we missed the shade in the forest. Pretty sweaty we arrived back at the car.

Little bit of road walking
Little bit of road walking

Water & Pizza

To cool down in the heat, we decided to go for a swim in the Columbia River. Our spot of choice was Bob’s Beach, which was mostly used by Windsurfers to get into the water. But we did a short swim and then relaxed a bit in the sun.

There was also the American Express, a paddle-wheeler Boat.

American Express
American Express

After that it was Beer & Pizza Time at Backwoods Brewing Company in Carson. Then we enjoyed the rest of the day at the Angels Rest B&B, which we had for us as there are currently no other guests.


Trail overview map
Trail overview map
Hiking through beautiful forests
Hiking through beautiful forests
Angels Rest B&B
Angels Rest B&B


Hike: Cape Horn

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