Day 57: Back to Vancouver

On the way back

The morning started again with a great breakfast from our hosts, homemade blueberry pancakes! Then we had to pack up and say goodbye. As we are shipping part of our stuff back, we did some sorting out yesterday. Today we realized that a lot of stuff is closed on Monday in Vancouver, because of the British Columbia Day. On Tuesday we are already flying to Hawaii, so to be sure that we can ship our stuff, we decided to do it today.

We found a post office a bit after Seattle, where we got 2 large boxes ( 20x20x20 inches and 20x14x10 inches), took us a bit of time to fit everything, fill out the custom documents, and so on. But in the end it worked out pretty good and now we hope that everything arrives safely. But it wasn’t cheap, we paid nearly 350$ for the 2 boxes…

Beside of that, the trip wasn’t too spectacular. We were a little wistful that this part of the trip is now coming to an end. Customs took us around ~5 minutes, just a short chat with the border agent and off we went.


As the drive took us already ~7 hours and we did 1.5 hour stop for the shipping of the boxes, we arrived a bit after 18:00. But after a day in the car, we decided to go for a quick run on the Treadmill. I did a full hour, Nicole a bit less.

After the run we ate Dinner at Zab Zaab, which was really good Thai food! Then it was time for the Celebration of Light festival, which consists of different attraction, one is 3 different fireworks on 3 different days. As we made our way to English Bay, it got crowded.

Crowd on Davie Street moving to English Bay
Crowd on Davie Street moving to English Bay

The firework ran for close to 25 minutes and was really impressive, I tried to capture a picture, but it didn’t turn out good… whatever :)


That’s it for the day!


Davie Street
Davie Street


Run: Treadmill @Vancouver

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