Day 58: Vancouver

Day in Vancouver

We didn’t get up too early and overall took the morning pretty chill. Our first stop was a coffee/hot chocolate at Rocanini Coffee Roasters. Sort of Breakfast :)

Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Rocanini Coffee Roasters

Nicole then went her way and did some shopping in the city. I used the time to work a bit on a coding project. Later on we visited the Pride Parade together, crazy how much is going on in this city.

Pride Parade Vancouver
Pride Parade Vancouver

Then we did a quick stop at Safeway to grab some food and made our way to Stanley Park. There we had to defend our lunch against a raccoon (alright, it wasn’t that bad, but they are fast and have no fear at all).

Ok, he was a bit cute
Ok, he was a bit cute

Weather was amazing again, ~30 degrees and sun, so perfect in the shade, a little bit too hot in the sun ;-) But we enjoyed the park and just being lazy.

Stanley Park
Stanley Park

We walked back along the waterfront and reached the point were we saw the firework yesterday. People were all in search of shade, so each shady spot was crowded. On our way back to the Hotel we then grabbed a ice cream to cool off a bit.

Ice cream
Ice cream

Then we did a Gym session, another indoor run… I have to stop that, but for some reason I really started to like them. It’s just convinient that you can just put in your speed and go. No obstacles, no Lights, just smooth running and I can also listen to some Podcasts, currently the “My First Million” show is my favorite thing during running.

Alright, searching the link to the podcast, led me to watching half of an episode of them on Youtube…

Last thing for today was a Dinner at “Frankie’s Italian Vancouver”, good Italian food.

Caprese at Frankie’s
Caprese at Frankie’s


Native Arts & Green
Native Arts & Green
Green Hotel
Green Hotel


Run: Another Treadmill Run

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