02. August 2022
Day 60: Let's go to Hawaii
Another Good Bye
Day 60, and it’s now really the time were we start the next but also last chapter of our Trip. We look forward to Hawaii and what’s to come, but are also a bit sad about leaving our road tripping life behind.
So we hadn’t too much planned for the day, our first thing was another visit to the gym. I did a Run and Nicole a mix of Running & various strength exercises.
Then it was time to finally pack up and get rid of all the stuff we can’t take with us, too large bottles and so on. Afterwards we did a quick Lunch stop at Pizza Rubato.

Pesto based Pizza at Pizza Rubato
We shared a Pesto based Pizza, which we had for the second time and it’s a really good thing. Different to a regular pizza, but something we want to try at home.
Our car looked pretty beaten up after the nearly 2 months, so we decided to clean it a bit. Mainly to be sure to not get hit by a fee from Alamo ;-)

Shiny Kia
We did also a quick stop at the throw away center to get rid of the camping chars, yoga mat and some other “trash” that we collected over time. On the way to the Airport we did a short stop at the McDonald Beach Park, were we met the twin of our car.

We found a twin
Then it was time to return the car, which was so quick, like 2 minutes and we were on the way to the terminal. We made a total of 12173.8 KM in 174:57h. Quite a trip! :)
As we are now only travelling with carry-on, we skipped the check-in line and directly went to the security check. A short wait and then we also had to do the USA preclearance, which is more or less the immigration to the US, but directly at the origin airport. This leads to no pass check or anything at the destination airport, convenient!
As always, flying includes waiting, but time was passing rather quickly today. We got a nice view of our airplane (737 MAX 8).

737 MAX 8, Code C-FSNQ
I wasn’t too happy when I learned that we fly with a 737 MAX 8, after the two incidents and the record long grounding, a lot of people probably lost trust in them… But yeah, we made it safe to Hawaii and the flight was alright. We were lucky as the guy who was on the window moved to his girlfriend after takeoff, so we had 3 seats for us 2.

Inside of the 737 MAX 8
As mentioned, we hadn’t to pass any checks in Kahului, so we were directly on the way to grab our new Rental. This was also a really quick and then we could one of ~20 Jeeps, hardest decision in a long time! As it’s already dark, Pictures will follow tomorrow.
Now we are 12 hours behind Switzerland, and we have 22:53, but in Vancouver time 01:53, so it’s late for us. Good night from Hawaii!