18. August 2022
Day 76: Kaua'i - Hiking
Sleeping Giant
The Sleeping Giant is the nickname for the Nounou Mountain, which is right next to our apartment. There are multiple ways you can go up there, from all different direction. We decided to go for the “main” hike, which was ~9km total.
Parking was direct next to the street and then the trail started directly beautiful.

Start of the trail
Soon after the start, we hiked through a dense forest and it stayed liked that for quite some time. This was perfect as it provided some shade from the sun.

Forest hiking
Even in the shade it was hot and especially the humidity led to some intense sweating. But we made some good progress and climbed further and further. The trail we took then merged with the shorter trail that leads to the top of the mountain.

Close to the intersection that merged the trails
This last part of the trail was steeper and more exposed. On the first part we saw no people at all and here it changed a bit and we passed multiple people until we reached the top. So this is definitely the most crowded part of the trail.

View from the top
At the top we then had an amazing 360 degree view. So we could see the sea, the mountains in the back and even our apartment :)

View direction sea
The way back down was then quick and uneventful.
Makaleha Trail
Before we head out for our second hike of the day we did a short shopping trip to have dinner already at home. We also did a quick break at the apartment to dodge the worst of the heat and then made our way a bit later in the afternoon.
For the second hike we picked something a bit shorter, but we weren’t aware that it was therefore even more challenging in some other regards. First it started on a wide forest trail and we quickly covered some distance.

First part of the Makaleha Trail
After a bit there was a first water passage that we had to cross, which wasn’t too bad and we made it with dry feet to the other side. From then on, it started to narrow and the trail became overgrown.

Find the trail
Then we had to cross the river a second time and this was already a bit more challenging. As some people came down we realized we could go a bit further up on the side we were and then do the crossing.

Bamboo forest
On the other side a bamboo forest awaited us, which was really beautiful to walk through! After the bamboo it was back to the overgrown trail and we fighted forward. The further we went, the more overgrown the trail became. Soon the trail was covered with fallen trees and it was more climbing then walking.

Overgrown trail
Trails like that are always a double sided sword, they are fun because they are different. But it’s also hard to make progress and you get really slowed down. It reminded us of our adventures in Port Renfrew.
We went a bit further but didn’t complete the whole trail, the climbing go the better of us :)

Where is the trail?!
All the way back to our car and then a quick drive back to the apartment. For dinner we made burger with Caprese salad. A bit a wild mix but was good.
Trailhead of the Kuamo’o Trail
Strawberry Guava along the way
Wildlife along the way
Our new car
Hike: Kuamo’o Trail to Sleeping Giant (Nounou Mountain)
Hike: Makaleha Trail