Day 8: Riding a ... Horse!?

Horse riding

Yesterday we were told that the Ranch (where we had dinner last night), also offers horse riding tours. Nicole couldn’t be stopped, so I had no choice… First time on a horse :)

Happy Rider
Happy Rider

We first crossed the main street and after that the rest of the ride was through the forest. First on a wider road (single car) and later on much smaller trails. Overall it was a really fun experience and the horses behaved so well that you didn’t need to interact with them too much.

On the trail with the horses
On the trail with the horses

The ride itself was around two hours, but with the preparation and introduction it took nearly three hours.

South Rim Trail to Helmcken Falls

The South Rim Trail provides a different access to see Helmcken Falls, it leads directly to the top of it. So you get some really impressive views. The trail itself was fairly flat and easy, but still beautiful through the forests.

Trail to the top of Helmcken Falls
Trail to the top of Helmcken Falls
Top of Helmcken Falls
Top of Helmcken Falls

Dawson Falls

We then did also a short hike to the Dawson Falls, but were unlucky and it started to rain like crazy. Even with our rain jackets and paints, we got soaked. Especially the shoes were completely soaked, but the view was still impressive.

Dawson Falls in the rain
Dawson Falls in the rain


Another picture of the Helmcken Falls trail
Another picture of the Helmcken Falls trail


Hike: South Rim Trail to Helmcken Falls

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