Day 82: Ohau - Around the Island


Today we decided to do a cruise around the Island to see a bit more of Honolulu and also do a Hike somewhere along the way. First we had to get out of the city, which was slow traffic on a 4 lane road. But soon we left this behind and were on some beautiful roads along the coast, a complete change of scenery!

Stop along the way, view of Mokoliʻi
Stop along the way, view of Mokoliʻi

Weather was good as well, sometimes a bit cloudy but this provided some shade from the heat. For hiking we decided in the end for the Kaunala Trail, which turned out to be a great choice.

First is a stretch of walking on an unpaved road, which leads from the parking, through a gate, to the start of the single trail.

Unpaved road
Unpaved road

Then we had a nice single trail stretch, which climbed and descended along the small hills in the area.

Start of the single trail
Start of the single trail

Sometimes the trail narrowed down even more, this felt like the other Islands again and not like Honolulu at all ;-)

Narrow part
Narrow part

From time to time the view opened up a bit and we got a nice view of the surrounding area.

View around
View around

The last part of the loop hike was then on a paved, but closed road. We met some workers, but the road wasn’t open to the public.

Last stretch of the Hike
Last stretch of the Hike

After the hike we did a short stop at the Kawailoa Beach and cooled of in the water. This was also probably the last time in the ocean for this year… Then it was drive back to Honolulu with quite a bit of traffic. For Dinner we went to Little Italy, which was probably the worst Restaurant of the whole trip. Overpriced, bad Service and okay food.



Hike: Kaunala Trail
Run: Laufband Spass

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