12. June 2022
Day 9: Off to Jasper
Moul Falls
Today is our travel day, but we still wanted to get some activity in. So on our way out of the park, we did the Moul Falls hike. It was around 6km and provided some nice views of the Fall. The trail itself was half on a small gravel road and half on single trails.

Moul Falls
Spahats Falls
This is another really famous Fall of the Wells Gray Park, there was another Bus full of people which were dropped of to walk the 5 minutes and then view the Fall. So no trail here, but still a nice view :)

Spahats Falls
Travel to Jasper
After that, it was time to say goodbye to Wells Gray and start the nearly 4 hour drive to Jasper. The views were sometimes breathtaking, but hard to capture with the camera.

On the road to Jasper
We even saw a bear directly next to the highway. But he was so close that we feared to disturb him, if we stop.
Jasper & Campground
Shortly before entering Jasper, there was also the country line between British Columbia and Alberta. So we switched countries and also timezones, now we are “only” 8 hours behind Switzerland. This meant that we lost an hour and arrived later than we thought.
We did a quick stop in Jasper, ate a dinner (Me Salad, Nicole Pasta) and filled gas into the car. Interestingly, the gas is here nearly 30 cents cheaper than in BC.
Now it’s 20:34 and we are chilling at the Campground, here we will stay for the next 4 nights.

Chilling at the Campground
Trail to Moul Falls
Trail to Moul Falls